With investeerinhoreca.nl a better chance of financing

A better chance of financing through the knowledge and network of HorecaAdviesBureau.nl

"Investeer in Horeca"

"Investeer in Horeca" (invest in hospitality) is a platform by Geldvoorelkaar.nl for HorecaAdviesBureau.nl. We have more than 20 partners nationwide in the Netherlands.

Invest in projects

Do you want to invest money in entrepreneurs, ambitious companies and/or real estate projects or are you looking for a better destination for your assets, capital or savings? Investeerinhoreca.nl offers interesting projects that are looking for an investor. Perhaps you are the right fit! Would you like to know more about investing in projects via Investeerinhoreca.nl? Go directly to: how does investing work.

Present your project(s) to our investors online and see them become reality

Project offers

On HorecaAdviesbureau.nl, hospitality entrepreneurs and investors (informals) find financing and investment opportunities. This allows entrepreneurs to focus on the growth of their project and investors to achieve a good return.


It can be done independently and quickly via our investeerinhoreca.nl platform by Geldvoorelkaar.nl.

Dreams and Ambitions

Making dreams, ambitions and projects come true
Allow yourself and your hospitality business to be supported by our many investors. An investor is not only the one who helps you financially, but also the engine behind your ambition.

7 april 2021

Markt voor crowdfunding 'groter dan ooit in Nederland'
De markt voor financiering via crowdfunding is flink gegroeid. Afgelopen kwartaal werd er voor 112 miljoen euro opgehaald in Nederland, bijna twee ...

6 april 2021

Recordhoeveelheid crowdfunding
In het eerste kwartaal van 2021 is een recordhoeveelheid gefinancierd via crowdfunding in Nederland. Uit de laatste analyse van Crowdfundmarkt blijkt dat er...

26 maart 2021

Europese verordening moet crowdfunding in EU stimuleren
De European Crowdfunding Services Providers (ECSP's), ook wel de Verordening betreffende Europese crowdfunding dienstverleners voor bedrijven ...

15 januari 2021

Wat is crowdfunding?
Geld binnenhalen voor je bedrijf kan op veel manieren. Een manier is tegenwoordig steeds meer in trek: crowdfunding. Wat is dat eigenlijk en hoe werkt ...