We at HorecaAdviesBureau.nl already delved into this last year and entered into a partnership with, among others, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Hoens & Souren Advocaten and Hermes-Advisory, which specializes in financial expertise in disputes, pre-eminently the best advisers to guide these difficult procedures in your field.
Not every company can participate in the WHOA process, so before we enter into an expensive process with you, we can first do a QuickScan. If your company is not suitable for the WHOA process, there are many other options that we can look at together.
There is 200 million available for the entire SME in the TOA, make sure you are there on time, because that pot of money will certainly empty, but the question is when….
Bert van Doorn
Partner HorecaAdviesBureau.nl
[email protected]